Through 1:1 sponsorship, please continue to walk alongside
the dreaming children with grace.
We support children's basic livelihood, such as meal expenses, daily necessities, living expenses, and medical expenses, so that they can grow healthy without suffering from labor.
Through kindergartens, schools, and language schools, we support the education necessary for children to develop a vision and lead them to escape poverty on their own.
It teaches soccer, taekwondo, art, and music so that children in the third world can gain experience and grow into healthy personalities through culture
We support everything for their economic and social independence,
focusing on education support and culture support for them to grow well and have their dream
We support everything for their economic and social independence,
focusing on education support and culture support for them to grow well and have their dream
We support everything for their economic and social independence,
focusing on education support and culture support for them to grow well and have their dream